Pwyllgor Cymunedau, Cydraddoldeb a Llywodraeth Leol


Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee








Bae Caerdydd / Cardiff Bay

 Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF99 1NA



29 September 2011






Dear Colleague


The National Assembly for Wales’ Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee has established a task and finish group to undertake an inquiry into the future outlook for the media in Wales.


The terms of reference for the inquiry are:

“To look at the future outlook for various media platforms in Wales by exploring:

¡  The current state of the media in Wales and how new technology and other developments are impacting on this, in the context of continuing concerns about the future of the Welsh broadcast and print media;

¡  What the priorities should be from a Welsh perspective as the UK Government brings forward proposals for its Communications Bill;

¡  The opportunities for new media business models to be built in Wales; and

¡  What the Welsh Government is doing to implement the Hargreaves report recommendations and what other steps could be taken to strengthen the media in Wales in terms of content and plurality of provision.”   

To assist with its inquiry, the Task and Finish Groupwould welcome your views on any or all of the above points.





Invitation to contribute to the inquiry


The Committee welcomes responses from both individuals and organisations.  If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please provide a brief description of the role of your organisation.


The Committee welcomes contributions in English or Welsh and will consider responses to the inquiry and hold oral evidence sessions during the autumn term.


If you wish to submit evidence, please send an electronic copy of your submission to


Alternatively, you can write to:


Committee Clerk

Communities, Equality and Local Government Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay, CF99 1NA.


Submissions should arrive by Friday 11 November 2011.  It may not be possible to take into account responses received after this date.


For your information, the Committee has invited submissions from those on the attached distribution list.  They would be grateful if you could forward a copy of the letter to any individuals or organisations that are not included on this list, but might like to contribute to the review.  A copy of this letter has been placed on the National Assembly’s website with an open invitation to submit views.


Disclosure of Information


It is normal practice for the National Assembly to publish evidence provided to a Committee.  Consequently your response may appear in a report or in supplementary evidence to a report.  The National Assembly will not publish information which it considers to be personal data.


In the event of a request for information submitted under UK legislation, it may be necessary to disclose the information that you provide.  This may include information which has previously been removed by the National Assembly for publication purposes.


If you are providing any information, other than personal data, which you feel is not suitable for public disclosure, it is up to you to stipulate which parts should not be published and to provide a reasoned argument to support this.  The National Assembly will take this into account when publishing information or responding to requests for information.


Yours faithfully




Ann Jones AC / AM

Cadeirydd / Chair




Huw Lewis AM

Edwina Hart AM


Al Fresco


Arts Council for Wales

Arts and Business Cymru


Bang Post Production

Beca TV


BBC Trust, Wales

BBC Cymru Wales


Birmingham City University


British Council - Wales

BT Wales


Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies

Carl Morris

Channel 4 Television

Creative Business Wales

Cube Interactive

Cwmni Da

Design Wales, UWIC

Digital UK


Fiction Factory

Film Agency for Wales

Fresh Catch Films

Global Innovation Academy, University of Wales

Golwg 360

Green Bay Media Limited


Gtfm Community Radio


Professor Ian Hargreaves


Jeremy Hunt MP

Indus Films

Institute of Local Television

Institute of Welsh Affairs

ITV plc

ITV Wales

Huw David Jones

Dr Hugh Mackay, Open University

Media Wales

Neil Cocker

Newport University

NWN Media Limited

NUJ Wales

NUJ Cardiff & South East Wales

Ofcom Wales

Ofcom HQ

Professor Tom O'Malley

Producers Alliance for Cinema and Television (PACT)

Public Affairs Cymru

Rhodri ap Dyfrig

Rondo Media


Scottish Broadcasting Commission

Skillset Cymru

Skillset Media Academy Wales

Swansea University


Talk about Local

Tindle Newspapers Limited

Trinity Mirror

Town and Country Broadcasting

Wales TUC

WG's Creative Industries Sector Panel

WG's Digital Wales Advisory Board